Which Modality is Right for You?



A general systematic massage of the soft tissues of the body to induce a state of deep relaxation. This type of massage includes long, gliding strokes, light to firm pressure, and an emphasis on stress reduction. The benefits of this type of massage are numerous and include: Increased blood and lymphatic circulation, relief of muscle tension thus improving mobility, flush out metabolic byproducts, and. It can also help reduce physical and mental stress. In general, Swedish massage helps clients clear unwanted responses of stress from the body and mind.


Designed specifically for athletes or those who routinely engage in sports, or exercise and fitness programs. It utilizes a deeper and more vigorous approach than an average massage to ready the muscles for strenuous activity or to assist the body in recovering from the aftereffects of physical activity.

Customized / Medical / Therapeutic

This type of massage address specific pathologies and physical needs of clients. It can include a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point release, assisted stretching, myofascial release, localized heat/ice treatments, among other modalities to bring you relief from chronic pain or aid in recovering from injuries.


Pregnancy can be accompanied by certain muscular discomfort as a result of posture, weight, and sleep pattern changes. For instance, a professional prenatal massage session can provide relief from neck, upper/lower back pain, hip pain, joint pain, and overall muscle tension. It can also help improve circulation, reduce edema, as well as stress and anxiety. A prenatal massage takes special considerations into account such as client positioning, pressure, and techniques to ensure the safety and comfort of mother and child.


Reflexology utilizes pressure techniques to specific pressure points either on the hands or feet (both front and back) to stimulate specific reflex areas in the body. Nerve endings are stimulated, leading to improvement of energy flow, circulation, and help open up neural pathways. During a reflexology session, clients lay on the treatment table while on their backs, with feet or hands elevated. The practitioner will begin by using warm up techniques to the forearms or lower legs, followed by pressure techniques using the thumbs, fingers, and specialized tools to target the predetermined regions and pressure points to address specific clients’ issues. Most people notice a relaxed feeling and a state of calmness throughout the body and mind during their reflexology session. By using referral areas that are linked to limbs or joints, pain can be blocked and help speed recovery. (Complete Reflexology for Life, 2009)